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magnetic disturbance中文是什么意思

用"magnetic disturbance"造句"magnetic disturbance"怎么读"magnetic disturbance" in a sentence


  • 磁干扰
  • 磁扰
  • 磁骚动
  • 磁性干扰


  • Local magnetic disturbance
  • It is featured by powerful anti - magnetic disturbance capability , high reliability and sensitivity
  • Perhaps they are sensitive to the same electrical and magnetic disturbances which form the basis of dilatancy theory
  • Solar flare a sudden eruption of hydrogen gas on the surface of the sun , usually associated with sunspots and accompanied by a burst of ultraviolet radiation that is often followed by a magnetic disturbance
  • As novel concept actuators , ultrasonic motors have been attracting intensive attention at home and abroad with their outstanding features such as low speed and high torque , large holding torque , rapid response , light weight and compact sizes , simple structure , and no magnetic disturbance , etc . traveling wave ultrasonic motors are especially attracting researchers ’ interest for their good controllability and flexible constructions
  • A ultrasonic materiel transmission system is novel transmission device with the outstanding features such as simple structure , rapid response , compact sizes , no magnetic disturbance , and work under special environments such as low temperature , vacuum and high radiation , etc . a kind of ultrasonic micromateriel transmission system has been designed
  • This product is composed of hall sensor assembly and the distributor with ignition timing . compared with conventional distributor , it avoids vacuum advance actuating device and centrifugal advance actuating device . it has a structure of restraint impedance distribution head and screening cover in order to reduce magnetic disturbance caused by engine ignition system , enabling the whole engine system to operate more reliably
  • As novel concept actuators , ultrasonic motors have been attracting intensive attention at home and abroad with their outstanding features such as low speed and high torque , large holding torque , rapid response , light weight and compact sizes , simple structure , and no magnetic disturbance , etc , and which have been applied to many fields
  • For the improvement of reliability and stability of the whole apparatus , meanwhile , for eliminating various electric - magnetic disturbance within the power supply and ground , measures such as filter , grounding , shielding are all taken in technique . the special methods are lc filter for power supply , bypass capacitor for suppressing voltage surge in printed circuit board , shielding layer wrapped in sensor head and overall grounded
用"magnetic disturbance"造句  
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